
Le 30 oct. 09 à 07:01, Gallomimia a écrit :

I suppose it's too much to ask to see an xCode project file for open office. How can I run a debugger with this bad boy?

I mostly use command line, but Xcode is possible. Long time ago, I provided a Guidelines (we did it with Tino Rachui, Michael Sicotte and some other - pardon for the one I forgot - )

Look at the OpenOffice.org wiki pages, search for AquaBuild, and search the relevant section from thre.

I want to start looking for sources and tracing the stack calls for a few issues onthe tracker. Not that I think I can actually solve any of these bugs, but perhaps I can at least start to learn about how the source is organized, and specifically how it interfaces with the MacOS X environment.

Join #education.openoffice.org (server is irc.freenode.net ) , and I'll try to answer your questions.

I documented the vcl, and I know well this part, not completely, but enough to explain a lot of changes we did in the Mac port.

Someone please point me in the right direction. I'm not afraid to read a whole pile of documentation on HowTo but I need to make sure it's current, and my searching usually turns up 5+ year old docs on how to do something that's obsolete in this project.

What do you mean ? Do you have the links ?

I'm working with the 320 line of code.

Only the vcl is around 2000 files (some are big files .. )

Just a try returned :

xxxxx :~/Desktop/local_eraser01/vcl ericb$ ls -laR | wc -l

Eric Bachard


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