I don't think that will be an issue.  I have a really old TV that I  
got for free in my last move.  I had to go to Target and buy a RCA to  
co-ax converter thing.  I got one that lets me plug in several things  
at once.  It cost something like $20.

On Jun 7, 2006, at 10:56 AM, Bill Rising wrote:

> Hey folks,
> I finally started reading the info about mythtv, and then realized  
> that perhaps the TVs which we here at my house may be a bit on the  
> old side: all they have is a co-ax input. Would it work to run the  
> output from the myth frontend through a dvd player and back out to  
> the TV? This is probably a really idiotic question, but not being  
> too into TV, I haven't a clue about the technology.
> Bill

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