Basically I'm just trying to reduce the clutter on the hard drive.

In Safari: History (in the top menu bar) > Clear History.
Then: Safari > Empty Cache.

In Mail: Mailbox > Erase Deleted Messages > in all accounts.
Mailbox > Erase Junk Mail.

I also empty the Desktop Trash.

But don't take any of this as gospel... as I said, it is probably 
superstitious overkill. Software updates just seem to me to be a good 
time to do some general house-cleaning.


On Feb 1, 2005, at 1:50 PM, Marta Edie wrote:

> I did not have any trouble downloading, I have the new security update 
> on the iMac and the powerbook. I do run Macjanitor and the diskutility 
>  periodically, but Alex, when you say you clean the caches, what do 
> you mean by that?
> Marta

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