First and most important, Dave: which version of Netscape?

The NAV shield you see when using Netscape just means that it's checking
the various html and image files you're downloading for viruses. Nothing to
worry about. Similarly, there's nothing to worry about with the disk
activity; it just means that Netscape's not finding image files in cache so
it's downloading them as you access new pages. (I'm assuming here that
these are pages that you don't access often or repeatedly - otherwise, you
may have a caching problem that may be resolved by allotting some
additional disk cache space in Netscape preferences.)

The freeze issue is another matter. If it's happening on the same pages
over and over, it's very likely that there's something in the code on those
pages that isn't compatible with Netscape but is compatible with MSIE
(cascading style sheets, for example, are a problem in that more CSS 2.0
standards than not aren't recognized by Netscape). In that case, you may be
out of luck re: using Netscape - just one of those things. You may also
want to take note of whether you're accessing sites that use Java server
pages (they'll have the extension .jsp at the end of the URL) - Netscape's
implementation of Java has always been pretty awful and it may be failing
to handle them or exhausting its Java memory allotment and hanging. Giving
some more memory to Netscape may resolve, or at least delay, the onset of
the problem. You might also try reinstalling or updating Netscape if none
of these issues seem to apply.

If you continue to have problems with Netscape in this fashion and still
want a second browser option, you might also try Opera for Mac. It's free
if you don't mind it displaying ad banners and works pretty well. Downloads
are at 

At 11:50 AM 1/7/02 -0500, you wrote:
>Greetings from a greenhorn,
>This may have been covered before if Netscape is responsible.
>When data is transferring, my mouse pointer flickers and changes into the
>Norton AntiVirus shield.  This is a quirk I can live with if it
>doesn't mean anything important.  Also, on some pages, the hard disc
>chatters incessantly.  This does not happen when viewing the same page
>through Explorer.
>Sometimes, after using Netscape for awhile, it will stop finding anything.
>The Netscape logo moves, but I am left with a blank window.  A new window
>does the same thing.  After quitting and relaunching,  it works fine until
>the next time this happens,  usually within 30 minutes.
>Are these problems caused by my hardware or software?
>I am perfectly happy using Explorer, but I wanted to use the extra
>browser for my medical and environmental research, just as a sort of filing
>I am using a B&W G3 and OS9.1.  It has a brand new logic board, processor
>and memory (long story).
>Dave Dudine
>The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will be January 22.
>For more information, see <>.

The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will be January 22.
For more information, see <>.

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