On Thursday, October 31, 2002, at 09:58  PM, Ward Oldham wrote:

> OK, Alex . . .
> I'm confused.  You have your keyboard plugged into one usb port.  Mouse
> plugged into the side of the keyboard.  Printer plugged into the other 
> usb
> port.
> So how can your pda be plugged in at all?
> Ward
Umm... my brand new super-dooper iMac has 3 USB ports on its body.  
They are grouped together under a symbol like a funky pitchfork.  The 
packing carton says "5 USB ports including 2 on the keyboard."  I am 
*not* a techno-wizard; I could be wrong... but I think it's got 5 of 
those puppies.


Alex Whitman
alylex at earthlink.net

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