We may be talking apples and oranges here, but about three months ago, I had
a similar problem with my seven-year-old lampshade.  I took it to the Apple
doctor here in Bowling Green and the man told me the the motherboard was
fried but the hard drive was okay.  He sold me a FireWire cable  for about
$7.00 (male plugs on both ends).  I plugged one end into the lampshade and
the other into my new Intel Core 2 Duo iMac desktop.  An icon appeared on
the desktop  (a larger version of the one that identifies the FireWire
port), floating around the screen, but when I clicked on it, I got the hard
drive menu.   Then clicked on the files I wanted to transfer, and Mac did
the rest.  I keep the old lampshade handy because it's still got files I use
only occasionally, but it's a snap to transfer 'em to the desktop when I
need 'em.  You've probably already solved your problem, but I thought I'd
offer this for whatever use it might be.    Best of luck with your problem.

Nolan Porterfield
Bowling Green
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