Apple has a thing about not keeping up with your mac repair history.  All they 
do is fix the issue at hand and they don't look back in history.  I sent a 
letter to telling them how my mac wasn't living up to what I 
had come to expect form a apple product and they replaced it.  Simple.  Since 
it's out of warranty, maybe they can't help, but it may be worth a try.

On Nov 24, 2009, at 7:04 AM, wrote:

> My daughter's macbook has died yet again--2 months
> out of a 4 month extra extended applecare. It is the
> only Apple product we have ever had in all our many
> computers since our first IIe which was a true lemon.
> I kept hoping Apple would just replace it with
> something more reliable, but they just kept putting
> in parts. All dead now.
> Anyway I am now shopping for a replacement. As I look
> on ebay, the apple store, amazon etc, the macbook
> model number--part number?--is really confusing. 
> Is there a list anywhere which will tell me when a
> particular model was produced? I havent found it. One
> might think the Apple site? 
> Any help would be much appreciated.
> Ann Richmond
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