What a sad loss. Jerry was a good guy who always had a smile to share.
Thanks for spreading the word Ken.


On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 2:35 PM, Ken Presley <kenpres...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It is with great sadness that I must report the passing of my longtime
> friend and Macintosh enthusiast, Jerry Ethington. He died in the first week
> of March from an apparent heart attack here in Louisville. He was 56 years
> old. Several people on this list knew him, although I am probably the only
> one that saw him on a regular basis.  He was very intelligent, quite
> humorous, and an all-around nice guy. He had no family left that I am aware
> of and I don't believe he wanted any visitation or funeral services. I will
> miss him greatly!
> - Ken
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