On Mar 22, 2013, at 11:07 AM, Dan Crutcher <dcrutc...@loumag.com> wrote:

> I followed your instructions and forwarded port 5900 to the LAN IP of the 
> computer I wanted to access and it worked like a charm. Thanks.
> Now, is there a way to remotely access more than one computer on a LAN using 
> that method? If 5900 is forwarded to a specific computer, it can't also be 
> forwarded to another computer, can it? Is there a way to use some other port 
> to connect via VNC?

Yup. You can specify the external port that VNC connects to by changing the 
URL. For example, vnc:// tries to connect to port 6000. Just 
set up your router to forward port 6000 to the appropriate machine. (This is 
also easier with iCloud because Apple takes care of the port mapping for you.)

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