
Has Apple cones something with Java that won’t allow us complete usage?  

Inside Safari I have “Enable JavaScrip” allowed in preferences.

I have downloaded (twice) the Java Runtime, (from Oracle) and when I log onto 
the account I need I am given a small java file that is downloaded into the 
download folder.  Before Mavericks that was all that was needed to log onto my 
trading account, now all I get is a text box.

I tried  with Chrome, same thing.  I have called the broker three times and the 
last guy says the program is not defaulting to the Java file, rather it’s 
opening it in text rather than the Java.

He told me to reinstall Java Runtime.  

I still have the problem, do any of you know HOW to get Safari to run the small 
file that is downloaded as Java rather than as text.  He said the file is being 
told to be opened by the wrong application.  He may not have a clue.

Thanks for any suggestions.


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