I’ve stopped using Kroger for most of my grocery shopping. I only get a couple 
of things there that I can’t get at Paul’s Fruit Market, Valu Mart, Costco, and 
Trader Joe’s, all of which take Apple Pay and have for months. Paul’s and Valu 
Mart also have the added advantage of being local.
> On Aug 22, 2018, at 11:10 AM, Lee Larson <leelar...@me.com> wrote:
> This is not surprising at all. Walmart was the biggest mover behind the 
> CurrentC mobile payment system, along with Target, 7-Eleven and a bunch of 
> others. The CurrentC stuff collapsed, largely because it came to be seen as a 
> way for the retailers to track everybody’s purchases. Apple Pay gives little 
> tracking information to the merchants. That’s why Walmart is holding back; 
> they want all that juicy marketing information.
> Target takes Apple Pay in the Target app because the Target Wallet app can be 
> used to give them all the information they want. They’re supposedly going to 
> allow straight Apple Pay in their stores after they upgrade their credit card 
> terminals. We’ll see…
> Since I very rarely shop at Walmart, the one I’m waiting for is Kroger. They 
> have contactless payment terminals in all their stores and only take Chase 
> Pay, which, of course, gives them the marketing information they covet and 
> probably a kickback from Chase. They could turn on Apple Pay overnight.
> L^2
> ---
> ‌Lee Larson‌  leelar...@me.com‌
> ‌The key to being a good manager is keeping the people who hate me away from 
> those who are still undecided. ‌— Casey Stengel
> ‌‌
> ‌
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