Hey Dan, I think she can export the calendar then create a new calendar and 
import the old one. The import/export commands are in the file menu.

> On Sep 11, 2018, at 5:38 PM, Dan <dcrutc...@loumag.com> wrote:
> I set up a calendar in Apple’s Calendar app and shared it with a co-worker, 
> so anytime either of us entered a calendar item and assigned it to that 
> calendar, it shows up on both of our calendars.
> I am no longer with that company and no longer want to see events that she 
> has entered in this particular calendar. But, since I was the one who created 
> the calendar, I cannot unsubscribe from it, I can only “stop sharing,” but if 
> I do that, she loses all of the events in her calendar. What I’m trying to do 
> is “switch” ownership of this calendar to her, so she can still use it and I 
> can unsubscribe from it.
> Does anyone know how to do that?
> Can she create a new calendar on her computer and copy all of these existing 
> shared ones to that calendar and thereby make them “hers” and not mine?
> Thanks.
> Dan Crutcher
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