> On Jun 13, 2016, at 1:58 PM, Brent Christian <brent.christ...@oracle.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> Please review this Mac-only fix:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~bchristi/7131356/webrev.01/
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-7131356
> Thanks go to Gerard Ziemski for the thorough investigation and detailed 
> write-up in the bug report.
> The symptoms:
> On those OS X machines where the default system Java is not installed, any 
> attempt to instantiate JVM from a local JDK (for example via JNI as shown in 
> the bug) presents "No Java installed. Do you want to install Java?" dialog 
> and refuses to run. Clearly, a valid local JDK should be able to run in this 
> case.
> The problem:
> In java_props_macosx.c, there is code that dynamically looks up 4 methods in 
> JavaRuntimeSupport.framework (JRS) and calls into them to find out localized 
> OS version, default locale and the preferred language, but JRS checks for a 
> system available Java and refuses to run if none found.
> Background:
> JavaRuntimeSupport.framework (JRS) is a framework implemented and provided by 
> Apple for use by Java.  It is a "black box" that wraps SPIs required by the 
> Apple-provided implementation of JDK, exposing them to the JDK as APIs.
> Now that the JDK implementation ownership has changed from Apple to Oracle, 
> we have the issue that we don't control the JRS implementation, but rely on 
> Apple to support it for our JDK to continue to run. Depending on a private 
> framework provided by a third party for our code to continue to run doesn't 
> seem like a good long term bet (see also 8024281).
> Proposed solution:
> Apple suggested changing the JDK initialization order so any access to JRS 
> happens only after the JLI_MemAlloc symbol is available.  We believe a better 
> solution is to re-implement the JSR APIs in question, as a move toward 
> eventually dropping reliance on JSR altogether.  The three main changes are:
> 1. In "getMacOSXLocale", re-implement "JRSCopyPrimaryLanguage" using 
> "CFLocaleCopyPreferredLanguages", which gives us the preferred language as 
> set in "System Preferences"->"Language & Text"->"Language" in the form of 
> "xx" (ie. just the language code - ex. "en", "fr", etc.).  The original Apple 
> code then calls into "JRSCopyCanonicalLanguageForPrimaryLanguage" to map 
> "language" into "language_REGION" (ex. "en"-->"en_US", "fr"-->"fr_FR", etc.), 
> though this appears to be unnecessary.  Following the call to 
> setupMacOSXLocale() in ParseLocale()[1], mapLookup() is called to map the 
> language to a default country, per this comment:
>     * If the locale name (without .encoding@variant, if any) matches
>     * any of the names in the locale_aliases list, map it to the
>     * corresponding full locale name.  Most of the entries in the
>     * locale_aliases list are locales that include a language name but
>     * no country name, and this facility is used to map each language
>     * to a default country if that's possible.
> I tried out a few locales, for English (en_US, en_GB), German (de_DE, de_CH) 
> and French (fr_FR, fr_CA).  Language/country system properties behave the 
> same before and after this change, as does the java.util.Locale test attached 
> to the bug.

I think JRSCopyCanonicalLanguageForPrimaryLanguage() may be related to app 
bundles which don't have localizations in the user's language (for instance a 
Japanese-only app run on en_US). But I don't have an example of such an app or 
remember what the right behavior would be.

> 2. In "setupMacOSXLocale" we simply drop the call to 
> "JRSSetDefaultLocalization" as it appears to be a NOP. According to Apple, 
> that API sets up native bundle locale, so that any access to native Cocoa UI 
> (like FileOpenChooser) uses localized strings. Testing shows that this does 
> not seem to work even in Apple's own JDK (ie. JDK 6), so dropping the call to 
> this SPI here does not result in a regression.  An issue was filed to 
> investigate further (8024279, a dup of 8019464) which has since been closed 
> as, "Not an Issue".

This was added a very long time ago so that 'java -jar x.jar' would show 
properly localized menus in the menubar, instead of English menus, on a 
non-English system. It might no longer be a problem.

> 3. In "setOSNameAndVersion", re-implement JRSCopyOSVersion using 
> [NSProcessInfo operatingSystemVersion].  (Use of JRSCopyOSName was already 
> removed by 7178922).

You shouldn't need to use objc_msgSend_stret here. If you're not getting a 
warning when you use @selector in the line above, you should just be able to 
call -operationgSystemVersion directly inside the if.

If you are getting a warning, it'd be best to declare the selector yourself 
somewhere higher up:

typedef struct {
        NSInteger majorVersion;
        NSInteger minorVersion;
        NSInteger patchVersion;
} OSVerStruct;

@interface NSProcessInfo ()
- (OSVerStruct)operatingSystemVersion;

> Thanks,
> -Brent
> 1. 
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk9/dev/jdk/file/79043a1c3547/src/java.base/unix/native/libjava/java_props_md.c

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