I'm looking for instructions on installing Perl and the CPAN modules on OS
X. I'm not a serious Unix hacker, so I'm looking for a simple recipe.

I've tried installing some CPAN modules, and every time I do it, Perl 5.6.1
is downloaded and installed. Or at least, it tried to install.

I'm really unclear on what I should be answering to those questions in the
installation script. In particular, there is perl stuff in
/System/Library/Perl and in /Library/Perl. I don't like overwriting anything
in /System. The install script also suggests putting stuff in
/Local/Library/Perl and in /Network/Library/Perl, neither of which seems
like a good idea to me.

I've looked around the perl.org web site, but haven't seen any Mac OS
X-specific info. The URL for this list archive is broken.

TIA for any help.

 - Stoney

Stonewall Ballard 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           http://www.sb.org/stoney/

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