On Thu, 11 Apr 2002 19:20:00 +1000, Ken Williams wrote:

> > However, I figured it out.  I had updated perl to 5.6.1 when 
> > installing a module through CPAN.
> Don't you hate it when that happens?

Yeah, although I don't think it does it automatically in OS X.  The
compile fails, due to HFS's case insensitivity (more annoying) and a file
called "INSTALL" which is a text file.  Also, there's a hints file that
would put Perl in the wrong location (library wise).

> > My other Mac that was working still had 5.6.0. So, I decided to 
> > downgrade perl back to 5.6.0.
> >
> > Voila!  Apache now starts with mod_perl loaded.
> >
> Probably not a great solution in general, since many 
> dependency-checkers assume you're only going to be moving *up* 
> in version numbers.

Although I would generally agree with you on this, it's not an issue with
me.  Any modules that I installed on this machine that required Perl 5.6.1
was just me playing around or being curious.  Actually, I think it came
down to me trying to get IPC::Shareable working (still haven't).  Maybe I
ought to make that another thread after I check the archives for info on

> A better solution would probably be to leave 5.6.1 installed (by 
> upgrading or going back in time), and reinstall mod_perl.

I am curious if the other way around would work.  It indeed it was some
dynamic linking in libraries, reinstalling 5.6.1 might have the same
effect as 5.6.0.  I may try both, but I don't see any immediate need for
that right now.

Thanks for the tips... I'm just glad it's working.  :)


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