Steve Linberg wrote:

>I installed 5.8.0 tonight from source and it was pure joy - smooth
>install, and amazingly smooth install of modules with CPAN afterwards.  I
>encountered the dyld problems as documented on the list, and the solutions
>seemed to work, rebuilding the modules that needed it.
>Now I'm trying to activate an old project of mine that uses mod_perl,
>using the current Apple build of Apache 1.3.26/mod_perl 1.26, and in my
>PerlRequire'd startup file, I've got "use DBI;", which causes a few dyld
>errors when I do "apachectl configtest."  If I run a script from the shell
>with DBI, it seems to be fine.  I've got it narrowed to DBI, that's
>definitely what's causing it.  I've force-rebuilt it a couple of times
>since the 5.8.0 install just to be paranoid, and it's gone fine.
>So here's the question, in which I reveal my ignorance of mod_perl
>internals: does mod_perl use whichever Perl is on the machine when the
>server starts at runtime, or does Perl get wired into it when it's built?
>Is mod_perl going to need to be rebuilt now that /usr/bin/perl is 5.8.0?  
>If so, has anybody done it?  The Apple build is more up-to-date than fink
>is, but of course we can't modify it - at least in any way I know of.
>Anybody have any suggestions or dope-slaps on this?
>Steve Linberg
I get dyld errors when I use DBI->connect on OSX in mod_perl if the php 
module is enabled. It complains that there is multiple definitions of 
__dig_vec, one in the DBI module and one in the php module. I've tried 
rebuilding php to use the mysqlclient libraries hoping that will fix the 
problem but I'm still workin on it. I cant seem to get them to play nice 

Is this the same problem your having?? If so any-one got any suggestions??

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