On Tue, 13 Aug 2002, Nathan Torkington wrote:

> Morbus Iff writes:
> > The XML database, not that I know of. I was actually planning to as an
> > example of testing an install of Perl 5.8.0 and expat/XML::Parser. There
> > has been some work by brian d foy at <URL:
> > http://sourceforge.net/projects/brian-d-foy/>, but this is with the native
> > database, not the XML.
> Thanks for the pointer to Brian's work, Morbus and David.  I admit to
> being unclear on the difference between the XML and the binary files.

The XML wasn't part of the picture before iTunes3 came out a few weeks
ago. My impression was that the XML database had superceded the binary one
that iTunes[12] used, but apparently it's only there as a supplement to
the older binary storage format. As I recall, brian d foy's iTunes library
came out before iTunes3, so while I played around with it when it came out
(and liked it), I'm not sure if it reflects the recentish XML stuff -- it
seems like it might have worked right on the binary, but I forget now...

> If I change the XML file while iTunes is running, it overwrites those
> changes when iTunes quits.
> If I change the XML file then start iTunes, it overwrites those
> changes.

Thus suggesting that the XML representation is supplementary & secondary
to the internal binary one. Yes, I think it's there as a backup.

Incidently, another fun game -- probably not as useful now that brian's
library is available -- is to go into iTunes & go through the menus to
export your library. Under iTunes[12], this produced a tab-delimited data
file that could be easily manipulated. The only catches are that, because
the format has to be back compatible with the OS9 version of iTunes, the
line endings are Maccish [no big deal] and fields with filenames use old
style colon-delimited paths instead of Unix style slash delimited ones
[also no big deal]. At one point I had a oneliner that could push data
from this file into MySQL. Very easy.

Chris Devers
Have you ever seen Jack Valenti &
John Ashcroft at the same time?

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