On Thursday, August 15, 2002, at 03:20 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I'm using File::Find to recurse through directories.
> Thing work fine on my Mac (Mac OS X 10.1.5, perl 5.6.0 as installed by
> Mac OS X) but when I try to run it on a Windows volume that I've
> mouneted on my Mac it doesn't go into any subdirectories.
> So if I run it pointing at /Volumes/MyMac it goes through all the
> directories.
> If I run it pointing at /Volumes/WidowsShare it never goes any deeper
> than WindowsShare.
> If I move the script to a Windows machine and point it at the same
> share, it works fine.
> Any ideas on this? Some odd permissions thing in relation to SMB?

Try setting:

        $File::Find::dont_use_nlink = 1;

I haven't actually seen it, but I'm guessing that directories are  
showing up with a link count <= 2.
Edward Moy
Apple Computer, Inc.

(This message is from me as a reader of this list, and not a statement
from Apple.)

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