On Thursday, August 29, 2002, at 09:43  AM, drieux wrote:

> The problem I did not see directly on the page, or am
> I missing something, but does he do his builds on a
> ufs partition????

No, I did it all on HFS+. There are a number of issues that I address 
on that page, a primary one being that you can't do make install until 
you mv INSTALL to INSTALL.txt.

> Since I get weirdness when I am on
> my apple directory, rather than building stuff on
> the NFS mounts...
> granted, under our regime, we do that as a part of
> the tao - since we want to have a single file server
> for all the OS supporting stuff for all of the OS's...

I'm not sure I follow, here. You can do file sharing with all other 
OSen on HFS+, AFAIK.

> So it was not until I downloaded something onto my
> mac and tried to do the usual
>       perl Makefile.PL
>       make
>       make test
>       make install
> that I ran into issues - I think it was with the
> 5.6.1 release...

What issues?

BTW, I strongly recommend using Perl 5.8.0 now. Like I said, I need to 
update my page.



David Wheeler                                     AIM: dwTheory
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                 ICQ: 15726394
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                                                Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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