There is a [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list.  I started it some time 
ago, for discussion of issues relating to accessing the Mac toolbox(es) 
from perl.  The rationale of a separate list is twofold:

* Discussions of the Mac toolbox are not necessarily specific to Mac OS, 
or Mac OS X
* Keep the clutter down in the main macosx list

This would effectively kill off the macperl-toolbox list.

So, is there any interest in it?  If the consensus is "no, we want to 
keep it to the main macosx list," that's fine by me.  Thoughts?  
Apologies if something like this has been discussed before; I've been 
effectively offline much of this year, being busy with other things.

(FWIW, I bring this up now because I am finishing up version 0.01 of 
Mac::Carbon, which is a port of the MacPerl Mac:: modules to Mac OS X 
... more to come later.)

Chris Nandor                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Open Source Development Network    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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