Hmm - none of those are 'dbm', though. David, can you show/quote the page that claimed that dbm was a part of libSystem?


On Wednesday, November 20, 2002, at 10:35 AM, Jerry LeVan wrote:


[macjerry:/usr/lib]$ otool -vM libSystem.dylib | grep module_name | grep db
module_name = ndbm.So
module_name = db.So
module_name = aliasdb.o
module_name = printerdb.o

Looks like something is there :) Regrettably I don't understand shared
library syntax. Ie how to specify it on the link line.


Hi All,

I've been using mod_ssl with Apache 1.3.x on Mac OS X for a while now,
and it works great. I've had to use gdbm to get it to compile, but that
was okay with me.

Now, however, I'm writing an article about this, and want to try to
eliminate the gdbm dependency in the name of simplicity. I know it can
be done, because Apple includes mod_ssl with their Apache. Furthermore,
via their bug report system, they tell me that libdm is in the Mac OS X
system library, libSystem. But mod_ssl's configure has never been able
to find it. -lm and -ldbm both fail.

So I tried --enable-rule=SSL_SDBM, and that got Apache/mod_ssl to
compile nicely. Yay! But then, when I tried to connect to the SSL port,
Apache segfaulted!

 [Fri Nov 15 12:29:03 2002] [notice] child pid 26629 exit signal
Segmentation fault (11)

So I'm stuck and could use some help from those more experienced with
compiling on Mac OS X. Does anyone know how to a) get Apache's
configure to find libdbm in libSystem and use it? Or b) have any idea
why Apache/mod_ssl might be segfaulting when using SDBM?



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