At 10:25 AM -0500 12/3/2002, Doug Seib wrote:
>>good morning,
>>I have a calendar that is powered by perl. The problem - works on a pc, not on a 
>mac. Basically, my mac can read the file, but not write to it. My PC reads and writes 
>no problem. My friend wrote the perl and we are pretty much without answers at this 
>point. If anyone has time to help/look at the .pl that would be great.
>>You can test the calendar at
>>just click on edit calendar in the nav - the password is fred. I can send the .pl as 
>attachment if someone is willing to take a look at it.

The problem was with the Flash, not with the Perl.


Returns a 404 - /newdeb/cgi-bin/ - does not exist. This much 
should be reflected in Apache's error logs.

You've since changed the password, so I gather you may have figured it out.

 Euonymic Solutions

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