On Friday, July 11, 2003, at 02:40 AM, Walt Pawley wrote:

I vaguely recall having been asked a
question about whether something named "head" should have something or
other done with it but the details escape me (as most things seem to be
prone to do these days).

As a general rule, module Makefiles only interrupt the process with a question when the answer to that question could have consequences - if it didn't, there would be no need to interrupt what is supposed to be a highly-automated process. So it's important - even if you have a million other tasks demanding your attention - to read and understand any questions that are asked, before accepting the default answer.

The exact question asked by the LWP install is this:

The lwp-request program will use the name it is invoked with to
determine what HTTP method to use.  I can set up alias for the most
common HTTP methods.  These alias are also installed in

Do you want to install the GET alias? [y] n
Do you want to install the HEAD alias? [y] n
Do you want to install the POST alias? [y] n

The install script is telling you what it intends to do, and asking you if it's appropriate for your system. If you didn't understand the question, you should have aborted the install and dug deeper. A simple Google search for "HEAD LWP Mac" turns up dozens of informative discussions on the topic.

Mac OS X's case-insensitive filesystem (HFS+) is the reason this question is there at all. Prior to Mac OS X, these aliases were installed without comment, as on most (all?) other UNIX variants, "HEAD" and "head" are distinct file names, and the two can co-exist peacefully in the same directory. That's also why 'y' is the default answer - Mac OS X is the "odd man out" in this regard, and many system admins have written shell scripts that use these aliases.


Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.

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