On Wednesday, Jul 23, 2003, at 05:32 US/Pacific, Dan Kogai wrote:

Yes. As announced earlier Panther Preview comes w/ Perl 5.8.1-tobe (MAINT19524 to be exact) so I hope we will make Perl 5.8.1 a reality before Panther is.
Sorry for the probably silly question, but just what are the differences between 5.6.1 and 5.8.1? I am 100% ig'nant, but I assume that most/all 5.6.1 scripts will port fairly hands-off? What are some gotchas that us noobs should watch for to make sure our stuff works when we try to run it on Panther?

I'm sure that there are ample docs on this matter, but a pointer in their direction would be most helpful...

------------------------------------------------------------------------ -
Daniel C. Stillwaggon

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