Thanks Sherm, Mike and Bill,

Totally helpful and much appreciated.


On 11/02/2004, at 1:27 AM, Sherm Pendley wrote:

On Feb 10, 2004, at 7:34 AM, kynan wrote:

Is this a limitation?

No, it's a bug in your code. :-(

As Bill mentioned, the File::Find module is made for recursing through directories. It still might be useful for you to know what's going wrong, though.

sub replaceEkstros{

my $startDir = shift;

  # make an object out of the directory
  opendir DIR,$startDir || die $!;

Filehandles and dirhandles are global, so each time this sub is called, DIR is closed and re-opened on a new directory. To avoid that, pass a scalar to opendir() instead of a literal name. When a scalar is passed as the first parameter to open() or opendir(), it is used as the name of the filehandle/dirhandle to open. Likewise with readdir(), <>, read() and other functions that take filehandle/dirhandle parameters.

my $dh = $startDir;
$dh =~ s/\W/_/g; # Transform all non-alphanumerics to _

opendir $dh, $startDir || die $!;

while (my $entry = readdir($dh)) {

... and so on.



Kynan Hughes

phone 9281 2088
fax 9211 4433
mobile 0411 231099

Additive design pty ltd
Amitabha pty ltd

Level 4, 104 Commonwealth St Surry Hills NSW 2010 Australia


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