Filehandles and dirhandles are global, so each time this sub is called, DIR is closed and re-opened on a new directory. To avoid that, pass a scalar to opendir() instead of a literal name. When a scalar is passed as the first parameter to open() or opendir(), it is used as the name of the filehandle/dirhandle to open. Likewise with readdir(), <>, read() and other functions that take filehandle/dirhandle parameters.

my $dh = $startDir;
$dh =~ s/\W/_/g; # Transform all non-alphanumerics to _

opendir $dh, $startDir || die $!;

while (my $entry = readdir($dh)) {

Actually, it is easier than this, see:


"As of perl5.6, open() autovivifies file and directory handles as references if you pass it an uninitialized scalar variable ".

Which means, all you do is this:

my $dh;
opendir $dh, $startDir || die $!;
while (my $entry = readdir($dh)) {

So just us a "my" local scalar variable set to undef before the opendir call.


<>  <>

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