Anacron does not appear to run cron jobs at at particular time, the dailyWakeup/keypress/cron
combination can insure that the cron job is run on time. If you want, dailyWakeup can even
restart the system to get going :) If you want a hands on approach PMQueueManager will allow
you to schedule any many PM events as you want.


On Apr 30, 2004, at 4:57 PM, Sherm Pendley wrote:

On Apr 30, 2004, at 4:36 PM, Jerry LeVan wrote:

If you want to use cron and let your system go to sleep then you might want to take a look
some of the stuff I have at It turns out you have to
do a little song and dance to make sure the mac is awake (for a long enough period) when
cron fires.

Or you could use anacron:


There's a Fink package too.


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