Hi all,

Thanks so much for your input. I think my plan of attack, for now is as follows.

1. First, I'll check the archives on installing DBD::mysql. Then I'll actually install MySQL using Sherm's link. One question regarding that. Which would be the best to install? There are three versions - Standard, Max, and Debug. I'm presuming Standard or Max.

2. After that is installed, I'm leaning (without having looked at the archives, yet) toward using fink to install DBD::mysql. I installed Image/PerlMagick with fink and that went fine, so I thought I'd try it again with DBD::mysql. However, on CPAN there are two different versions. DBD::mysql and Bundle::DBD::mysql. The bundle looks tempting, but is all that is installed necessary?

Does the above sound, well, sound?



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