On Dec 20, 2004, at 9:05 AM, Lola Lee wrote:

Sherm Pendley said the following on 12/20/04 7:00 AM:

    mysql> grant all privileges on test.* to '[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.22 sec)

Odd . . . when I did this I got:

ERROR 1044: Access denied for user: '@localhost' to database 'test'

When I went into phpMyAdmin this is what I saw:

MySQL 4.0.20-standard running on localhost as [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'd set up an user 'mysqluser' that is only allowed to access Mysql. So it looks like I need to set up root to access Mysql - is that correct?

No, it doesn't matter what user you use to grant the privileges. If 'mysqluser' is your normal admin user, just log in to the mysql shell as that user:

    mysql -u mysqluser -p

For that matter, you could use phpMyAdmin to grant the privileges too. The important part is that the user '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' needs full access to the database 'test' - how you grant it that access is incidental.


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