Marco Takita said the following on 1/17/05 2:04 PM:

Sequence Contig3772
Assembled_from  CR05-C1-102-004-_A01_-CT.F_008.ab1  -40  955
Assembled_from  CR05-C1-102-006-_E05_-CT.F_035.ab1  -40  972
Assembled_from  CR05-C1-102-004-_B01_-CT.F_007.ab1  -32  1007
Assembled_from  CR05-C1-103-033-_G08_-CT.F_026.ab1  397  1400
Assembled_from  CR05-C1-102-060-_D07_-CT.F_029.ab1  403  1450
Assembled_from  CR05-C1-102-008-_G03_-CT.F_010.ab1  404  1427
Assembled_from  CR05-C1-102-065-_F12_-CT.F_043.ab1  406  1498

I was not able to isolate this block from the rest of the text.

You might want to try regular expression. As for how to do this, I cannot help you since I'm still learning about it. Hopefully others can help yo with this.

Lola - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Blog at
Terrorism delenda est! (Terrorism must be destroyed utterly!)
I'm in Bowie, MD, USA, halfway between DC and Annapolis.

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