In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kim Helliwell) wrote:

> I just tried to install Mac::Glue, and even though there were no error
> indications, /usr/bin/gluemac (among other things) did not get 
> installed.
> The output claimed to be installing it, but it's not there...
> I suspect I needed to have run the install behind sudo.


> If that is the correct diagnosis, how can I recover? Running it now 
> under sudo
> just results in the message that everything is up to date. How do I 
> undo/uninstall
> the stuff so I can re-install it correctly?

You appear to have fixed this (judging from your next message), but from 
what I gather, you probably installed using the CPAN shell.  Yes, it won't 
install again if you already have it installed, unless you type "force 
install Mac::Glue".  Or you can type "look Mac::Glue" and then do the perl 
Makefile.PL ; make ; make test ; make install manually from the shell from 

Chris Nandor                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Open Source Development Network    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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