On Fri, 18 Feb 2005, Jeremy Mates wrote:

> Warning! The qq[] syntax produces different output than the heredoc:
> my $foo = <<EOD;
> asdf
> my $bar = qq[
> asdf
> ];
> print "uh oh" unless $foo eq $bar;

Right. The qq[] syntax above & as I offered earlier, tacks on newlines. 

These are identical:

  $ cat ptest

  my $foo = <<EOD;

  my $bar = qq[asdf

  print "uh oh" unless $foo eq $bar;

  print qq{

  $ perl ptest



That's just wacky that I had to force a newline on the qq form to get a 
match; I don't see this as validating the heredoc approach at all.

I find the qq[] form so much more readable & forgiving than heredocs 
that I generally never even consider using them unless I'm maintaing 
something that uses them heavily or are otherwise forced to use them. 
They have so little to offer though that I avoid them otherwise...

But as I say, YMMV...

Chris Devers

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