To clarify my request, I do NOT want to muck about with Type or Creator
codes, as that requires each file to be created and maintained with the
codes in question.  Rather, I want to use the files' extension to cause
the "right" application to be used.

I'm sure you're aware, Rich, that the file extension should not be used be the system except as an advisory entry. File extensions were originally intended as only a clue for the human user, and that's the way they work best.

It seems to me that Apple's drive to abandon the hidden meta-data typing and depend entirely on the file extension has transmorgrified into a move away from the old four-byte codes and towards a more detailed meta-data structure. I haven't seen the changes in Tiger, but I do hope they have learned that depending on file extension is one of the many things they do not want to copy from MSWxxx.

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