How does textarea screw up your page layout?

If you're spec'ing for text entry that large, I believe a textarea is
better suited.  If I remember correctly, a text field is a
        display: inline;
whereas, the textarea is 
        display: block;

So, you have a style like this:

textarea {
        display: inline;

And you're done..

Hell, you can even have multiple rows with the textarea and using CSS
determine the position relative to the text line.

I think its a "vertical-align" property that can be set to :
baseline, sub, super, top, text-top, middle, bottom, text-bottom.

And to the best of my knowledge, ALL of those CSS properties are
supported and work in all major and minor browsers..  you can find out
more on interoperability at

I doubt that there's a 1k limit in the spec, but Apple (they've got a
bit of design experience) might have said "if they're typing more than
one thousand characters, perhaps the designer should use a more usable
textarea field" or its something the KHTML  people put in for the very
same reason and apple never modified when it converted it to WebCore.

Either way, 1000 characters is WAY too much text for a text input field
and unless you're employing some fancy and extravagant bleeding edge CSS
/ JS, you're simple ignoring the usability of your form.


On Mon, May 23, 2005 at 12:08:02PM -0500, Bill Stephenson wrote:
> I have a textfield in a form and apparently Safari has a 1k limit on 
> the amount of text a user can input. I've tested the same form with 
> Opera, Camino, and Firefox on OS X and they all work fine.
> Is there a 1k limit in the HTML spec for a textfield? I could not find 
> a reference to it in any of my books. If not, why would Apple do this?
> I really do not want to use a textarea field just to accommodate Safari 
> users because it is rare that any user will input that much text and it 
> screws up my page layout. Is there any way to work around this?
> Kindest Regards,
> --
> Bill Stephenson
> 417-546-8390

Brad Lhotsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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