On Jun 2, 2005, at 10:16 AM, Bill Stephenson wrote:
So I guess what I'm asking is if there a way to get either of these apps to upload a file with a new name and rename it after the upload is complete with one click. Obviously, this doesn't entirely solve the problem, but it does reduce the potential.

Actually, it *would* entirely solve the problem. Renaming a file is an atomic operation, there's no point at which anybody could get a partial file. People still reading the old file would be fine too, even if the rename happened while they're in the middle of reading; the old file is readable until they close it.

Peter pointed out in a private email that this isn't reliable using FTP's rename functionality (if your FTP even supports it) - what I meant in the above, though I wasn't clear, was to use /bin/mv on the server, not a rename through the FTP connection.


Thank you to everyone for the help.

Peter provided a great explanation about why FTP is not suited for this problem. I played with the Applescript "Script Recorder" and didn't get too far, there may be a way to use Applescript, I just don't know much about it.

Here's what I did come up with to make this easier for me..

Open the file from the remote server with BBEdit.
Use the "Save a Copy to FTP Server" menu command and save the file with a new name

Then I wrote this cgi script on the remote server to chmod and rename the file...
        use strict;
        use warnings;
        use CGI;
        use CGI::Carp('fatalsToBrowser');

        my $Q = new CGI;
        print $Q->header;
        print $Q->start_html;
        my $mode = 0755;

        chmod $mode, 'app.cgi-new' or die ("Error 1: $!");

        rename("app.cgi-new","app.cgi") or die("Error 2: $!");
        print "All Done";
        print $Q->end_html;

This isn't as good as I'd like, but it's easier than what I did before.

I know this solution now takes this pretty much way OT and so I apologize...

Kindest Regards,

Bill Stephenson

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