Hi Joe,

I've used the Disk Utility and created a copy that boots. Thank you it was fun. I haven't done the cron thing yet or the psync over it.

One question, it appears like everything on the restore copy is exactly the same, however the total file size and the total number of files is off by about 1%. Maybe Disk Utility is smart enough not to copy items in the Trash Can or maybe there is something else going on?

Good question: I've had a bit of a trawl through my different copies and it does seem that there are some portions of the system that Disk Utility doesn't copy. For example, the swap files and associated guff (in /private/var/vm). That accounted for about a gig of the size difference on my machine. There's also some other contents of the / private/var/tmp that seems to escape copying, though I haven't looked closely enough to sort out what's taken and what's left.

Similarly, it looks like the some of the caches (/System/Library/ Caches) might also escape the copying. I tried hunting down a page detailing the process, which is really "asr" (ie, Apple Software Restore, see "man asr"), but didn't have a lot of luck.


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