On 21 Aug 2005, at 22:16, Sherm Pendley wrote:

You may well find PDF::API2 will do what you want. The downside is the module is huge, complex and sparsely documented. There are however helpful folk to be found at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and a Twiki at <http://pdfapi2.sourceforge.net/twiki/>. Some scripts there might give you an overview of the capabilities of the module.

Alan Fry

On Aug 20, 2005, at 7:52 PM, Rich Morin wrote:

I'm interested in being able to perform simple edits on PDF files.
For example, I might want to be able to change the colors of some
characters and output the changed version.

I looked ad Apple's PDFKit, thinking there might be a solution, but no. Lots of stuff for searching, annotating, and rearranging pages - but no low-level editing functions like you describe. Which makes sense - PDF is really more of a delivery format than an editing format.

Do you have control over the source of these PDF documents? If so, you could make your changes there, and maybe use Automator to build up a workflow to create and manage the PDFs.


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