Am 28.10.2005 um 04:32 schrieb Sherm Pendley:

On Oct 26, 2005, at 7:19 PM, Manfred Bergmann wrote:

I am almost new to Perl. I like it and tried to use it in some of my Cocoa Projects.

First of all. I found there are two approaches. PerlObjCBridge and CamelBones. Unfortunately I couldn't find any examples covering what I try to do. I tested it with CamelBones first. Maybe someone can tell me whether this would be possible with PerlObjCBridge, too.

Looks like your message to finally got here. ;-)

Yea, took some time but it finally arrived.
Lets see if the messages sent through google also will arrive. I have sent one on the 23th. :/ I really don't understand this. Are the messages sent through google only available for users who browse the news with google?

I've posted my small CamelBones example in a german OSX developer forum and some guys where very happy about it.


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