If you want to adjust the line ends in the files have a look at:

<ftp://ftp.macnauchtan.com/Software/LineEnds/FixEndsFolder.sit>  52 kB
<ftp://ftp.macnauchtan.com/Software/LineEnds/ReadMe_fixends.txt>  4 kB

Yeah. It's pretty easy in perl too.

I have on occasion, read the first few hundred characters of a file and then 
searched for \n and \r and \r\n. From that I make a guess and reopen the file 
for line by line reading after setting $/ to what I found.

If you slurp in the whole string you can play with

$option1 = split /\n/, $thedata;
$option2 = split /\r/, $thedata;

Which option has the most elements?

split /(\r|\n)/, $thedata; # is an idea I just had. I wonder? 

--> Science is the business of discovering and codifying the rules and methods 
employed by the Intelligent Designer. Religions provide myths to mollify the 
anxiety experienced by those who choose not to participate. <--

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