On 平成 19/06/18, at 6:37, Lola J. Lee Beno wrote:

Enrique Terrazas wrote:
I installed the intel version of mysql (mysql-5.0.41-osx10.4- i686.dmg) which went fine. I then tried to install DBD::mysql with the following parameters:

perl Makefile.PL --testdb=test --testuser=testuser -- testpassword=password --libs -L/usr/local/mysql/lib --cflags -I/ usr/local/mysql/include

and got the following errors ... help!

Yep . . . had the same problem. Fortunately, someone sent me this info:

<http://jayallen.org/journey/2006/04/dbd-mysql-build-problems-on- mac-book-pro>

Hope this helps. I haven't yet gotten this to work because of this - how do you terminate a multi-line Perl comment like this

Multi-line ommand?

sudo perl Makefile.PL \
--cflags="-I/usr/local/mysql/include -Os -arch i386 -fno-common" \
--libs="-L/usr/local/mysql/lib -lmysqlclient -lz -lm"

properly in Terminal?

I'm thinking that the lack of backslash terminates the command line. What's it doing (or not)?

Lola J. Lee Beno - ColdFusion Programmer/Web Designer for Hire
http://www.lolajl.net/resume | Blog at http://www.lolajl.net/blog/
"In rivers, the water that you touch is the last of what has passed
and the first of that which comes; so with present time." - Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)

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