On Sep 28, 2007, at 8:17 AM, Michael Barto wrote:

This seems like a flame, but I will try and answer your question. The reason why we are doing the HTML subroutines and so many others with key at the start (e.g. JSCript, DB, make, get). is mostly to support long term maintenance and parse out pieces of the code for a very large project (divide and conquer) The modules libraries are maintained in a consistent manner. The variables $new_page and $from_page also are significant in this large code. It just helps the many people that have to touch this code have an easier path getting though any maintenance. The main program is nothing more than large set subroutine calls broken down in sections. The subroutine calls are shared by many modules of the large project.

The "best practices" procedure is to use MVC. (Model, View, Control) - this provides separation of logic and presentation and significantly aids in the long term maintenance of your code. Look at Damian Conway's book; Perl Best Practices.

By not following best practices you run the risk of making your code write only. An experienced perl programmer would have a hard time reading it and re-factor it according to best practices.

Following best practices will significantly increase readability, maintenance, and quality of your code.


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