HI, I am trying to get SDL perl working on the Mac (sdl.perl.org). We have a slightly working version. Please test it (see below for getting it).
use local::lib You will need X11 headers (from XCode) to compile from scratch cpan Alien::SDL wget http://github.com/kthakore/SDL_perl/tarball/mac_launcher extract perl Build.PL perl Build perl Build bundle SDLPerl.app/Contents/MacOS/SDLPerl test/checkkeys.pl or get shooter from here http://gist.github.com/301949 (click the balls to continue). As I don't have a mac I was hoping you porters can help me with some issues. How to have SDLPerl.app installed so mac users can use it after perl Build install? How do I properly call perl Build test with SDLPerl.app? (see the mess in inc/My/Builder/Darwin.pm) How do I get SDLPerl to compile with a symbol table so I can debug crashes like SDLPerl.app/Contents/MacOS/SDLPerl examples/sols/ch02.pl Regards,