At 3:03 pm -0400 04/05/02, Chris Nandor wrote:

>At 17:27 +0100 2002.05.04, Alan Fry wrote:
>>I think you will find you can't build 'XPlusX.xs' with MacPerl
>>5.6.1r1 anyway because 'XPlusX.xs' uses 'printf' which is missing
>>from the 'PerlStub'.
>Are you sure about that?
>Change 14928 by pudge@pudge-mobile on 2002/03/01 17:28:09
>       Add some missing sfio symbols (Alan Fry)
>Affected files ...
>... //depot/maint-5.6/macperl/macos/macperl.sym#4 edit

Oops. Many apologies. I assumed I had the latest sources but clearly I hadn't.

Having put that right everything works (including XPlusX).

I am so sorry -- I was trying to be helpful and ended up as usual 
doing the complete reverse. As they say -- in computing assumption is 
the mother of all muck-ups. (Or similar).

Alan Fry

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