At 20:49 +0200 2002.05.28, Thomas Wegner wrote:
>while working on & blib.t, I've noticed something that looks
>like a bug in MacPerl 5.7.3 (although it looks harmless compared to
>that Encode thing ;-).
>Take this little script
>     #! perl -w
>     @INC = '../lib';
>     print "INC before eval is ---@INC--- \n";
>     eval 'use File::Spec;'; # seems to happen with any module
>     print "INC after eval is ---@INC--- \n";
>     __END__
>In MacPerl 5.6.1r1 this gives
>     INC before eval is ---../lib---
>     INC after eval is ---../lib---
>But in MacPerl 5.7.3 the result is
>     INC before eval is ---../lib---
>     INC after eval is ---../lib:---
>(notice the trailing ':' in ../lib: after the eval statement), which
>is odd. Any ideas why this happens, or does it happen only to me? If
>it can be reproduced, I'll file a bug report.

I can repeat it, though it requires that the module actually be found,
FWIW.  Odd.  This would be in 5.6.1r2 too, had one been released yet (that
is, this code should already be in CVS etc. for the 5.6.1 tree).

Chris Nandor                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Open Source Development Network    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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