On Jun 10, 2009, at 19:49, Scott Haneda wrote:

name                rbldnsd
version             0.996b

distfiles           ${name}_${version}${extract.suffix}
extract.suffix      .tar.tgz

The default for extract.suffix is .tar.gz. So you are setting distfiles to "rbldnsd_0.996b.tar.gz" and then resetting extract.suffix to be .tar.tgz, which does no harm since extract.suffix is never used again, but it's not necessary either. .tar.gz means a GZip-compressed TAR ("Tape ARchive"). .tgz is an abbreviation for .tar.gz that some people use, perhaps for compatibility with silly filesystems that expect there to be only one extension on a filename. .tar.tgz is nonsense :) -- it would mean a GZip-compressed TAR of a TAR.

Regarding sample config files, many ports install them in the same place where the real config files would be used, only with an extension, like ".sample" or ".example" or ".dist" (e.g. php5 in $ {prefix}/etc/php5). Some ports put the sample config files in places unrelated to where the software looks for the real config files and don't append an extension to the filenames (e.g. mysql5: samples in $ {prefix}/share/mysql5/mysql, real files looked for in ${prefix}/etc/ mysql5).

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