+1: I like this idea, or at least what I think you're getting at. I'd
love to have a MP-sanctioned port related utility app for doing common
tasks -for developers-.

An example would be a "check and try update" task that would: do a
livecheck and if found to be old then automatically try to do the
update: change the version, download the distfile, update the checksums
in the Portfile, try to upgrade using -s -k to specify from source and
to keep stuff around if successful.

Another would be an "extract and prep to patch" task: "port extract foo
+variants", "pushed port work foo", "sudo chmod -R a+rw .", cd into the
worksrcdir, "git init", "git add * .[a-zA-Z0-9]*", "git commit -a -m
"init" > /dev/null" -- so that I'm ready to do editing / patching & can
track the changes.

Yes, I can create my own scripts to do tasks like these (and, I have),
but having them in a MP-sanctioned "port-util" into which I could add
others would be awesome.

My US$0.02 worth. - MLD

On Sun, Feb 14, 2016, at 07:41 PM, Bradley Giesbrecht wrote:
> I would like to propose a port-util dev tools project for GS0C 2016.
> Over time people have suggested adding functionality to port that would
> aid in MacPorts development.
> To keep port lean and user friendly many of these ideas have not made it
> into base.
> The port-util tool would tap into base for core logic and provide a
> pluggable architecture for extending that functionality for audiences
> beyond end users.
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