On 16.02.2016 01:34 AM, Michael Dickens wrote:
> +1: I like this idea, or at least what I think you're getting at. I'd
> love to have a MP-sanctioned port related utility app for doing common
> tasks -for developers-.
> An example would be a "check and try update" task that would: do a
> livecheck and if found to be old then automatically try to do the
> update: change the version, download the distfile, update the checksums
> in the Portfile, try to upgrade using -s -k to specify from source and
> to keep stuff around if successful.

Just a thought on this particular item... maybe it's just me OCDing, but I don't
think a procedure like this should be sanctioned. Blindly updating like this is
dangerous, because you run into problems with also updated dependencies, which
you might not even see.

I generally diff the old and new version (if possible using SCM as that's more
comfortable) and look through what might have changed within the autotools files
(or whatever build system the port is using.)

It's a tedious task, but you risk missing changes otherwise.


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