
On Fri, Sep 09, 2016 at 01:59:50PM -0700, Jeremy Huddleston Sequoia wrote:
> > As an aside, I'd be in favour of setting up MacPorts such that
> > ${prefix} is owned by a ${macports_operator} who's got admin rights
> > (= myself) and reserve use of actual root privilege to those few
> > ports that require setting up SETUID/GETUID executables or that need
> > to create users or groups.
> YES!  We should not be needing to do such things as root.  That is
> 100% true, and I am in full support of moving away from that and only
> using root for activate.  We should be able to use fakeroot
> (https://wiki.debian.org/FakeRoot) for destdir.

Except that fakeroot uses library preloading, a technique that's more or
less dead on modern OS X thanks to Apple's changes related to SIP:
DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES is stripped for all binaries with the SIP bit set.
Combine that with every binary in /usr/bin and /bin having the bit, and
you'll end up the variable being removed on the first invocation of a
shell (which is basically everywhere in the build systems of our ports).

It can still be done with utter hacks (copying the binary into a file
without the SIP bit and executing it from there, which we do for trace
mode), but I have neither seen any other library preloading utility that
used to work on OS X implement these changes nor convinced any of their
developers to do so.

Other approaches that would allow simulating permissions, such as Linux'
user namespaces don't exist on OS X at all. I think it's pretty obvious
that implementing new code that relies on library preloading is riding a
dead horse on macOS.

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