On Sunday September 11 2016 00:24:17 Jeremy Huddleston Sequoia wrote:

>The secure thing to do is not escalate until we need to, prompt, do our thing, 
>then throw away the privs when done.  The problem with that is that we'd ask 
>for credentials 2-3 times during the install and only when we need them.

The solution would be to do as sudo does: cache the password for a given period 
of time.

>The less secure thing to do is just ask for credentials up front if anything 
>will need root access and then just promote/demote as needed.

Which is already what happens during the stages that shouldnt be run as root.

>Even though iOS shares much of the same codebase as macOS, it is not UNIX.  
>Apple has never certified iOS as UNIX.

Well, my cats don't have an official certification that they're European race. 
Doesn't mean they aren't ;)
You know, looks like a duck, talks like one, etc. 

The fact you can't sell it as Unix is a distinction that IMHO matters only to 
marketeers and lawyers...

>FWIW, HDDs are much more flakey than SSDs.  I've had to replace countless HDDs 
>in my life, but I've yet to see one of my SSDs reach the end of their lives.

The thing with HDDs is that you can predict failure only when they start 
failing. There's of course a MTBF estimate, but for each individual pair of 
HDDs you could just as well see the new one fail almost immediately and the old 
one last years more as the opposite (given identical use).
SDDs have the advantage of being much more resistant to mechanical wear and 
abuse, but then again it wasn't the HDD that failed in my Powerbook which 
accompanied me in 3 motorcycle accidents and thousands of kms.

>Then you definitely weren't using a good SSD. =/

No, and I got a lemon at that too. 

>There's also an SDXC port there.  You can get a micro SDXC card and one of the 
>many flush-insert adaptors

Is that port really different from the SD card port I have in my 2011 MBP? I've 
never dared investing in a SDXC card but the more affordable ones of a 
reasonable size tend to be disappointingly sluggish in certain operations. 
Otherwise they'd probably make a good choice for putting a filesystem journal 
(or ZFS ZIL).

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