> >> I was trying to streamline the whole process and I felt the need to
> have the snapshot as a separate entity just like a reg_entry or a
> reg_portgroup is, that is, "registry::snapshot" with a bunch of functions
> like create, get, list_all etc. I think this might help in writing the
> whole thing from a higher Tcl level.
> >> But then again, a snapshot is not something coming directly from the
> database, so I'm not sure how to keep it. Can I get your view on this?
> >
> > Well, you already know that my view is that it would be far simpler to
> store the snapshots as a text-based format, rather than write and modify a
> large amount of non-trivial C.
> >
> > But if you are set on doing this in the sqlite database, the relational
> way of doing it would be to add:
> >
> > 1. A table of snapshots, consisting minimally of names and ids
> > 2. A table associating snapshot ids with port ids on a many-to-many basis
> The snapshot tables would not be updated. I see no reason for a many to
> many. Each port/variant in a snapshot would have a snapshot id. When a
> snapshot is deleted delete it’s id everywhere.

It is simply a one-to-many foreign key, that is, linking one snapshot to
many port ids and further, one port to many variants.

Speaking of deleting a snapshot, do we want to limit the number of
snapshots a user can have? or something like keeping an expiry date for a

- Umesh

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